Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

People about Erwin van Lun On Stage

Hans Dorreboom, Van der Hilst Communication

Director/partner (Van der Hilst Communication)
Erwin van Lun? Enthusiastic. A man who gives a content-rich story a modern jacket. A host pur sang. Has the gift as chariman/moderator to integrate other speakers' contributions into a challenging vision!

Rob Kranenbarg, Achmea (leading insurance company in the Netherlands)

Manager Claims Bodily Injury(Achmea (leading insurance company in the Netherlands))
Erwin is an enthousiastic person, who can tell an interesting story about the future and the future of IT. He tells his story in a funny way and also includes his audience in his story. I recommend him to help think out of the box.

Hans Ruinemans, PSA Holland

Founding President PSA Holland(PSA Holland)
Erwin is an upcoming, cleverish, young speaker. His contribution to the Professional Speakers Association Holland, of which I was the Founder and first President, has been enormous. He is talented, keeps well track of the latest developments & trends and mermerizes large audiences. I warmly recommend him.

Chris Middeldorp, General Manager at VDM advertising, Netherlands

General Manager (General Manager at VDM advertising, Netherlands)
Colleagues who attended a session with Erwin as one of the speakers said: "Erwin is a really inspiring speaker, an expert in understanding and explaining future trends". This was the perfect hint to ask Erwin to speak at a kick-off session with a newly acquired client. Erwin is the kind of speaker that knows how to Involve his audience and get his inspiring message across. I admire Erwin for his broad vision and the transparency of his views on the times to come

Tarnya Bohm, RaboPlus (Rabobank International Direct Banking), Australia

Online Marketing Manager(RaboPlus (Rabobank International Direct Banking), Australia)
I've had the pleasure of attending a couple of Erwin's presentations to Rabobank on the future of brands and marketing. I found that his vision provided some interesting food for thought for marketers looking for different ways to reach consumers now and to start thinking about possibilities in the future. I found Erwin to be an entertaining speaker and his engaging interaction with the audience also helped cement some of the principles he was explaining.

Michiel Maathuis, Achmea (leading insurance company in the Netherlands)

Business Development & Innovation Manager(Achmea (leading insurance company in the Netherlands))
We loved having Erwin as a speaker to inspire us with his vision of the online world, and how it is changing the way consumers and brands with interact with each other. Erwin really gets you involved in his vision and delivers is in a transparent and enthusiastic way. I would recommend Erwin to anyone looking for a speaker with an inspiring vision, capable of getting his audience, involved and enthusiastic. Erwin is a highly capable speaker and very pleasant person to work with

Jan Bosse, Otto

Manager Marketing Strategy & E-commerce(Otto)
Erwin gave a very impressing view on future developments in connecting consumers and businesses. He opened our eyes!

Ed Peelen, Nyenrode University

Professor(Nyenrode University)
I have learned to know Erwin as a gifted speaker on Nyenrode with a topical and original message for marketeers.

Marcel Buskermolen, WDM Netherlands

Commercial Director (WDM Netherlands)
Erwin spoke at a congres we organised in the fall of 2008. The goal was to give the visitors a new perspective of the future behaviour of the consumer. Erwin interacts with the audiance and has a lot of knowledge of new technologies. Furthermore Erwin is easy going and takes his job seriously.

Hannah Samuel, The Reputation Champion

Professional Speaker-MC, Author, Reputation Advisor(The Reputation Champion)
I had the pleasure of hearing Erwin speak at an international speakers summit in New Zealand and was very impressed with his energy and insights. Erwin has a very engaging, welcoming style and is passionate about the role personal branding plays in our personal and professional lives - something very close to my heart! A very talented marketer and speaker.

Valentijn Peters, Junior Chambre

President(Junior Chambre)
Erwin is an inspiring speaker. We hired Erwin for his knowledge about branding (and his book) at a JCI Business Event where he - unexpected - created a new way of speed business dating. Now, in 2008, people who where present at this event, still talk about it as one of the best.

Henk Kuipers, Rabobank

ICT Architect & Innovator(Rabobank)
We hired Erwin as speaker about Self Learning Systems at an innovation session. Erwin is not only an entertaining speaker but also very experienced and knowledgeable.

Bert-Jan van Rein, Qamel

Owner and Managing Director(Qamel)
He knows to inspire his audience. We like his style very much

Robert de Boer, New Kitd, DeMeter

Owner, Board member(New Kitd, DeMeter)
Erwin was not just a perfect moderator, he also helped organizing the conference. He pro-actively did the supervising, preparation and briefing of the speakers, and a lot more. It was a very successful event and I would even venture to say that this event would not have had this high quality if it wasn’t for Erwin’s contribution. Not surprisingly, the audience rated him very high!

Christina Brauer, University of Twente

Board Member, society of communication students(University of Twente)
There could have been no better moderator for our symposium than Erwin. With his knowledge on the subject he gave us a lot of inspiring input and helped us to structure the content. We also benefited from his contacts to important people in the marketing world. At the day of the symposium Erwin was very helpful all the time and fulfilled his role as a moderator brilliantly. The visitors were fascinated by his stories, amused by his interactions and impressed by his knowledge.

Stefan van Hulten, Scheepens Advertising

Owner and Strategy Director(Scheepens Advertising)
It was a very last minute assignment, but thanks to Erwin’s enthusiastic help we were able to put together a very complete and inspiring programme voor our client Mandemakers. Erwin even suggested and arranged some speakers which really helped us a lot. The Media Inspiration Day itself was a great success, as of course was Erwin’s own presentation about the future of media, marketing and brands.

Wouter de Vries, WDM Netherlands

Sales Consultant(WDM Netherlands)
Erwin, as a professional speaker, did a good job and was a successful chairman/moderator this evening. He started the evening with his own outlook on the future of (direct) marketing. He made a connection with the audience and turned the various stories of eight different speakers into one coherent whole.

Arnout Hemel, Microsoft

Senior Product Manager Windows Live(Microsoft)
Erwin is an inspiring speaker and facilitator. I share his views on how brands will evolve.

Polle de Maagt, Youthwatching, Trendwolves, College of Multimedia (CMM)

Co-organiser, New Media Consultant, Marketing & Communications Manager(Youthwatching, Trendwolves, College of Multimedia (CMM))
At our symposium Erwin gave a brief overview of the trends and usage of Social Software and Networks for marketers. Enthousiastic speaker, well-prepared with a well-adapted presentation, focused on the creative young people in the audience. Had a huge amount of positive reactions. Erwin, thanx!

Yvonne de Jager, Kobalt

Managing Director Account Services(Kobalt)
Erwin's performance was inspiring and entertaining. I'm sure the listeners left with more knowledge on Social Networking than when they came in! You should hire this guy any time you want an expert talking about interactive/digital marketing.

Janko Grassère, Intel

Market Development Manager(Intel)
Erwin is a speaker that shows the audience controversies in their way of thinking. He lets the audience experience old things from a new angle and shows them how technology can fullfill their needs in a completely new way. Very interesting; everybody learned a lot!

Marc Woesthuis, TriMM interactieve media

Managing Director and owner(TriMM interactieve media)
During our Customer Day Erwin van Lun succesfully explored the landscape of brands. Together with the attendees he took everyone on a learning journey with lots of brand examples. The story and presentation were clear, interesting and entertaining.

Rob van Vroenhoven, Wij Special Media

Director(Wij Special Media)
Erwin gave a very good presentation on the babyfair in Holland with the title "Brands as tomorrows' educators". He went indepth in brand agents and personal agents. Leading baby brands such as Pampers, Nestlé, Numico and Prénatal were present. They rated Erwin with an 8.

Kathy van Eijkelenburg, TriMM (interactive media), Netherlands

Managing director and owner(TriMM (interactive media), Netherlands)
Erwin was a very interesting speaker at a day called 'power to the people' at TriMM Interactive Media. I enjoyed working with him because of his knowledge and the way he talks about it.

Gijs Hoff, Dutch association of furniture retailers (CBW)

Managing Director(Dutch association of furniture retailers (CBW))
At CBW's annually congress for its members (2700), Erwin had the task to interest and inform our members in chain optimization and digitalization. Erwin has succeeded in transmitting the subject in an attractive and understandable manner. The knowledge concerning the virtual world and the possibilities and impact of it is of high level.

Léon Haver, Ontwikkelaarsgilde

Managing partner(Ontwikkelaarsgilde)
Erwin is an enthusiastic, creative speaker, who helps his clients translate his vision of future trends into concrete actions today. He gets a group involved in his presentation, and then naturally moves them into action. So if you need a kick-start for your process, energy to work together, or a common focus for the future: Erwin is your man!

Hans van der Meulen, NIMA, Dutch Marketing Association

Chairman Online Marketing Group(NIMA, Dutch Marketing Association)
Erwin van Lun acted as the preliminary speaker at our NIMA (Dutch Marketing Association) dinner. His interactive presentation about the influences brands have on people was inspiring. If you want your event to ‘sparkle’, get Erwin to come.

Peter Heshof, Bloom

Erwin is a real performer by teaching what he preach. He is an inspirator in the trends in the on-line world, but his true strength lies in indicating the new opportunities for brands.

Edwin Van Raalte, Rabobank - RaboPlus Australia

Senior Manager(Rabobank - RaboPlus Australia)
Erwin is an excellent speaker with a great vision well beyond the world of web 2.0. He has a unique set of communication, business, IT and strategic skills and is capable to inspire his audience and encourage management to think about strategic brand opportunities and challenges as well as many other marketing and internet related aspects.