Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun


After the Nomination for the Dutch Marketing Literature Award, most media attention came from the Netherlands (as the book is written in Dutch):

(updated until Summer 2007)

July 2007
In Tijdschrift voor Marketing (Marketing Magazine, Dutch) I explain in my article Interactieve websites en de kansen voor marketeers (Interactive websites and the chances for marketers) how brands can bring to life terms like openness, cooperation, and dialogues.

June 2007
In the article Hoe kom ik Authentiek en Menselijk over? (How do I present myself authentic and human?) for sales magazine Sales Expert I explain how companies can start behaving themselves like humans more and more.

May 2007:
In Elsevier magazine appeared an interview with me.

In the financieele dagblad (financial newspaper) I am interviewed by Richard Smit in the article ‘nieuwe kansen voor bulkkortingen’ (new chances for bulk discounts).

February 2007:
As a pre-announcement for the congress ‘The future of DM’, organized by DM organization DeMeter, I am quoted in AdfoResult in an article about CRM managers as brand builders.

December 2006:
In Reisburo Actueel is an article named Productinnovatie is het Grote Toverwoord (Product innovation is the Magic Word) which describes the impact of brands on the travel branch.

Anton-Jan Thijssen from BustedPR interviews me for the Reaal internal magazine. We discuss de (digitale) trends voor 2007 (the (digital) trends for 2007).

January 2006:
Management Executive prints a four page summary: Het merk als personal agent (the brand as personal agent).

October 2005:
Toine Rongen interviews me for (Tijdschrift voor Multimedia: Magazine for MultiMedia) and prints it in 4 pages: Coaching brands scheppen orde (Coaching brands create order).

September 2005:
Elwin Verheggen from Adformatie writes 1 page about his interview with me in Merken als meereizende maatjes (Brands as friends who travel with you).

August 2005:
In ReclameWeek a 1-page article appears: Merken worden net Mensen (Brands will be just like people).

Journalist Richard Smit from Het Financieel Dagblad (financial newspaper) interviews me and writes the half page article artikel Encie? Dit merk wil ik straks niet meer zien (Encie? I don’t want to see this brand any more).

An interview can be heard on Business News Radio.

June 2005: Radio Interview Arrow FM
In radio program Tunes To Look At on Arrow FM I was interviewed by Sidney Beesemer, who is also director of advertising agency TBKG2.
Short version (just the talk, no music)

May 2005:
Pre-announcement in e-mail newsletter of Brand Genetics.

