Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Toward a Global, Integrated Society: Future Forecast of 2060

In his thought-provoking keynote, Erwin van Lun envisions a future where technology and ancient wisdom converge by 2060. With AI, virtual humans, robots, and 3D printing reshaping reality, and biohacking transforming longevity, health, and human potential, humanity stands at the edge of a profound transition. Van Lun explores how these advancements unlock once-suppressed abilities, while the enduring insights of “wisdom keepers”—from past leaders to native tribes—become essential guides. Through this synthesis of technology and tradition, Van Lun reveals a path to a cohesive, global society.

Call or WhatsApp Erwin in The Netherlands (+31 621 567 657; GMT +1), or

People about Erwin van Lun On Stage

William Kuijpers

CRM consultant(Achmea)
It was an excellent workshop, organised in a creative way. My colleagues were very enthousiastic.

Jarco Den Dekker

Project Manager(Fortis)
Erwin is a very energetic person whose vision surpasses the imagination of most people. His ideas about functionality come to live in graphics, leading to vivid discussions. The ideas of Erwin made it possible for potential customers to filter required information in a suitable way. I enjoyed our time working together and I hope he will keep his visionary ideas

Rob Aanraad

Account director and partner(Comm'pas)
Erwin proved himself as an inspiring facilitator during the workshops. Goal: get a look at brand communication in near future and transform this into added value for our clients and creative processes. Results: strong collective, open minds, inspiration and an adjusted way of approaching brandcommunication this very morning.