Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

The Future of National Cultures

How media force cultures to adopt the Dutch Polder Model.

How will national cultures change and merge as a result of changes in media? Why will basic values of the Dutch culture be a model for the changes to come? And what makes the Dutch model so successful? Who could tell you better than Dutch futurist and trend analyst Erwin Van Lun. His revelations open your eyes!

Futurist and trend analyst Erwin Van Lun will shed some light on his fellow countrymen using cultural anthropologist Geert Hofstede’s model of cultural dimensions. Learn about boerenkool stamppot, the Dutch stinginess and the Dutch policy on euthanasia, gay marriage and coffee shops. And find out why the world famous Polder Model will be the model for the world to come.

In this session you will find out:

  • what major cultural differences there are between the Netherlands and the cultures of the audience
  • the history of the Dutch Polder Model, and it’s future use by people all around the world
  • how media developments will fundamentally change the world’s cultures
  • why global culture will ultimately dominate local cultures
  • why we need cultural confrontations to build a peaceful world

In this fascinating session Erwin will share with you his personal stories on coffee shops, euthanasia, the red light district, speculaas, gay marriage, and Chief Executives riding their bikes to work. You will leave with a smile on your face, determined to learn from the Dutch successes as well as their failures. And chances are you’ll have a good laugh about your own habits too.


People about Erwin van Lun On Stage

Stefan van Hulten

Owner and Strategy Director(Scheepens Advertising)
It was a very last minute assignment, but thanks to Erwin’s enthusiastic help we were able to put together a very complete and inspiring programme voor our client Mandemakers. Erwin even suggested and arranged some speakers which really helped us a lot. The Media Inspiration Day itself was a great success, as of course was Erwin’s own presentation about the future of media, marketing and brands.

Polle de Maagt

Co-organiser, New Media Consultant, Marketing & Communications Manager(Youthwatching, Trendwolves, College of Multimedia (CMM))
At our symposium Erwin gave a brief overview of the trends and usage of Social Software and Networks for marketers. Enthousiastic speaker, well-prepared with a well-adapted presentation, focused on the creative young people in the audience. Had a huge amount of positive reactions. Erwin, thanx!

Hans Ruinemans

Founding President PSA Holland(PSA Holland)
Erwin is an upcoming, cleverish, young speaker. His contribution to the Professional Speakers Association Holland, of which I was the Founder and first President, has been enormous. He is talented, keeps well track of the latest developments & trends and mermerizes large audiences. I warmly recommend him.