Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Innovate your client!

Have you ever wondered how successful you would be if you could determine your client’s future? If you could continuously stay one step ahead of them? If you were to be their innovation partner in tomorrow’s world?

Erwin Van Lun shows you how rapidly changing behaviors of individual people on this planet (your client’s target group) are fundamentally changing the nature of society and organizations. He takes you on a journey through the bigger, historic trends in media, marketing, brands and society that will continue far into the 21st century. Once you understand these trends, you will easily find ways to guide your client into tomorrow’s world – and become their #1 innovation partner.

In this session you will find out:

  • what the impact is of today’s demand driven, networking economy on your and your client’s future
  • how to use innovations in other sectors to predict what will happen in your sector
  • what factors to consider in redefining your strategy and aligning your management
  • what actions to stop because they are redundant in your new strategy
  • how to stay ahead to be a successful business partner for your client

This fascinating session may very well mark the beginning of a breakthrough for your business. It will open your eyes for opportunities you had never before thought possible. You will be inspired to go full steam ahead!

People about Erwin van Lun On Stage

Hans van der Meulen

Chairman Online Marketing Group(NIMA, Dutch Marketing Association)
Erwin van Lun acted as the preliminary speaker at our NIMA (Dutch Marketing Association) dinner. His interactive presentation about the influences brands have on people was inspiring. If you want your event to ‘sparkle’, get Erwin to come.

Robert de Boer

Owner, Board member(New Kitd, DeMeter)
Erwin was not just a perfect moderator, he also helped organizing the conference. He pro-actively did the supervising, preparation and briefing of the speakers, and a lot more. It was a very successful event and I would even venture to say that this event would not have had this high quality if it wasn’t for Erwin’s contribution. Not surprisingly, the audience rated him very high!

Rob Kranenbarg

Manager Claims Bodily Injury(Achmea (leading insurance company in the Netherlands))
Erwin is an enthousiastic person, who can tell an interesting story about the future and the future of IT. He tells his story in a funny way and also includes his audience in his story. I recommend him to help think out of the box.