Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Future Trends - Ready for Tomorrow

Have you ever wondered how in earth you can keep up with today’s social, technological and physical changes? Are you overwhelmed with all developments that seem to tumble over each other? Or plainly determined to make your business, foundation or organization the next ‘best practice’ in the 21st century?

Erwin Van Lun shows you how to stay ahead. You will discover that today’s fast changes all originated in just a few long-lasting, worldwide trends – some of which have been developing for centuries. If you use these trends as your guiding principles, it will soon become clear what you should do – and what you should stop doing – to be ready for tomorrow.

In this session you will find out:

  • what bigger, historic trends in media, marketing, brands and society are important for you, your customers, citizens, members and/or supporters
  • how to value innovations in light of these trends – which ones will stick, and which ones won’t
  • how to shift your focus from technology to interaction with actual people
  • what actions to take to fully benefit from tomorrow’s opportunities
  • and what actions to stop because they are redundant in your (re)new(ed) focus.

You will leave this phenomenal session inspired, energized, and ready to go! It provides food for thought, not just directly afterwards, but for weeks, months, even years. It changes the minds of your audience. Forever.


People about Erwin van Lun On Stage

Henk Kuipers

ICT Architect & Innovator(Rabobank)
We hired Erwin as speaker about Self Learning Systems at an innovation session. Erwin is not only an entertaining speaker but also very experienced and knowledgeable.

Chris Middeldorp

General Manager (General Manager at VDM advertising, Netherlands)
Colleagues who attended a session with Erwin as one of the speakers said: "Erwin is a really inspiring speaker, an expert in understanding and explaining future trends". This was the perfect hint to ask Erwin to speak at a kick-off session with a newly acquired client. Erwin is the kind of speaker that knows how to Involve his audience and get his inspiring message across. I admire Erwin for his broad vision and the transparency of his views on the times to come

Rob van Vroenhoven

Director(Wij Special Media)
Erwin gave a very good presentation on the babyfair in Holland with the title "Brands as tomorrows' educators". He went indepth in brand agents and personal agents. Leading baby brands such as Pampers, Nestlé, Numico and Prénatal were present. They rated Erwin with an 8.