Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Living your Brand

Why does the whole world seem to be talking about personal branding these days? What does it actually mean from a branding perspective? And most important: how can you benefit from personal branding?

Futurist Erwin Van Lun shows you how the core of what we call ‘our economy’ is changing. What impact it has on media, marketing, brands and society. And why this makes personal branding a must for your future. A brilliant personal branding showcase himself, he will tell you all his secrets. All questions allowed, inspiring answers guaranteed!

In this session you will find out:

  • why personal branding is hot
  • what psychological insights form the basics for personal branding
  • how authenticity and a personal branding strategy can run together smoothly
  • how to apply the Seven Key Elements of personal branding
  • why developing a serious personal branding strategy can boost your Personal Brand

You will leave this invaluable session empowered, excited, and most of all: with endless ideas for your own Personal Brand. Ideas to be used immediately. You will now consciously start doing what you’ve been doing all along: live your Personal Brand.

People about Erwin van Lun On Stage

Jan Bosse

Manager Marketing Strategy & E-commerce(Otto)
Erwin gave a very impressing view on future developments in connecting consumers and businesses. He opened our eyes!

Hans van der Meulen

Chairman Online Marketing Group(NIMA, Dutch Marketing Association)
Erwin van Lun acted as the preliminary speaker at our NIMA (Dutch Marketing Association) dinner. His interactive presentation about the influences brands have on people was inspiring. If you want your event to ‘sparkle’, get Erwin to come.

Yvonne de Jager

Managing Director Account Services(Kobalt)
Erwin's performance was inspiring and entertaining. I'm sure the listeners left with more knowledge on Social Networking than when they came in! You should hire this guy any time you want an expert talking about interactive/digital marketing.