Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend café

Are you looking for a fun way to tackle some serious issues in today’s world? Don’t you agree the best ideas are often born in the bar, long after the formal session has ended? Why not skip the formalities, and start in the bar right away? Erwin, as a futurist and trend analyst, will make sure your intake will be more effective than ever before.

Erwin will take you on a relaxing, entertaining, yet serious journey. We’ll meet in an informal setting: a bar, a restaurant, or maybe the deck of a ship. We’ll use the back of a card, sticky notes or coasters to jot down our ideas. Have a beer, eat some finger food, and tell a joke. Make sketches, watch short movies, do role plays. But don’t try to goof off, because you will be next!

In this 100% hands-on group session you will personally experience how media are changing society, marketing and brands. Erwin gives you the framework, illustrating it with many examples, but the group as a whole really determines the outcome. Some serious fun guaranteed!

For groups of max 25 people. Also available as breakfast, lunch or dinner session.

People about Erwin van Lun On Stage

Stefan van Hulten

Owner and Strategy Director(Scheepens Advertising)
It was a very last minute assignment, but thanks to Erwin’s enthusiastic help we were able to put together a very complete and inspiring programme voor our client Mandemakers. Erwin even suggested and arranged some speakers which really helped us a lot. The Media Inspiration Day itself was a great success, as of course was Erwin’s own presentation about the future of media, marketing and brands.

Vincent Albers

Trendwatcher, Owner & co-founder( - a world wide virtual trend watching network )
I hired Erwin to help shape the future of brands for my marketingcommunication students. To give them insights how things could change; what to look for when you are doing research; what new developments to take into account when making up marketingplans; what new theories are gaining momentum in our world. We were all thrilled to have had him around.

Gijs Hoff

Managing Director(Dutch association of furniture retailers (CBW))
At CBW's annually congress for its members (2700), Erwin had the task to interest and inform our members in chain optimization and digitalization. Erwin has succeeded in transmitting the subject in an attractive and understandable manner. The knowledge concerning the virtual world and the possibilities and impact of it is of high level.