Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun


Brands grew up in the era of mass communication. In the era of newspapers, radio, and television. In a process of more than a hundred years, of many generations, they have learned to carefully send, they have learned to wrap up ‘the’ message of a whole company in thirty seconds and to spread it over the country, the continent, the world. They have become real artists in that field. Over the past years we have carefully professionalized the sending. Broadcasters, media agencies, advertising agencies: they all had their part in this. As a result many communication professionals think that brands are all about sending, about reach.

However, the point of communication is not sending, not reach, but especially good listening:

And like in every dialogue we like the fact that what we say is remembered. And that if we state that we already know something, we don’t get the same explanation again and again. We also use this simple assumption in a dialogue with brands: our brains after all treat brands exactly like people. Only, remembering what has been said until today remains a tour de force. Each day steps are made here though. Brands keep getting better in remembering what we have read, heard or seen, what questions we have asked, what answers we have had.

This in the end will evolve into the spoken dialogue with brands which are visually represented by brand agents, artificial employees who can answer most of your questions. Wherever you are. Whatever language or dialect you speak. And the brand agents not just remember the communication in the brand memory, also the transaction details between consumer and brand are saved. So that the car brand in the future will still know that you have driven this brand ten years ago, and then were very unhappy about its trustworthiness and service. The brand agents brings these insights into the conversation. The brand agent is the most empathic employee you could ever imagine. But who, as said, does not exist yet, and is only developed step by step. Those steps I follow at this site in the tab day to day.

Latest observations for Brand-dialogue

Latest observations for Brand-dialogue (in Dutch)
