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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Kopen van ervaringen leidt tot meer geluk dan bezit

Nieuw psychologisch onderzoek laat zien dat het kopen van 'life experiences' in plaats van materieel bezit' leidt tot meer geluk, meer happiness, voor de consument en naasten.

A new psychology study suggests that buying life experiences rather than material possessions leads to greater happiness for both the consumer and those around them.

The study demonstrates that experiential purchases, such as a meal out or theater tickets, result in increased well-being because they satisfy higher order needs, specifically the need for social connectedness and vitality—a feeling of being alive.

“These findings support an extension of basic need theory, where purchases that increase psychological need satisfaction will produce the greatest well-being,” said Ryan Howell, assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State University.

Participants in the study were asked to write reflections and answer questions about their recent purchases. Participants indicated that experiential purchases represented money better spent and greater happiness for both themselves and others. The results also indicate that experiences produce more happiness regardless of the amount spent or the income of the consumer.

Experiences also lead to longer-term satisfaction. “Purchased experiences provide memory capital,” Howell said. “We don’t tend to get bored of happy memories like we do with a material object.

“People still believe that more money will make them happy, even though 35 years of research has suggested the opposite,” Howell said. “Maybe this belief has held because money is making some people happy some of the time, at least when they spend it on life experiences.”

“The mediators of experiential purchases: Determining the impact of psychological need satisfaction” was conducted by Ryan Howell, assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State University and SF State graduate Graham Hill.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

In de economie van de toekomst draait het helemaal om ervaringen, maar de producten blijven ook gewoon. Het is gewoon een volgende blok in de economie. Nadat we over tien jaar de economisch crisis hebben overleefd, zullen we zien dat voornamelijk experiences in een virtuele wereld tot grote hoogte is gestegen.

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