Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

In 2043, computers WILL speak (I’m quoted in Metro)

Metro 2043

Only 20 years ago, the internet was opened to the public. Being the greatest innovation since the invention of the book press, it has revolutionized the world. However, the revolution has just begun. In 2043, computers wll speak the language of humans. They will no longer look like machines, but like real humans, the most natural interface ever introduced. These virtual humans will live in the cloud, not restricted to any ‘device’. They will express emotions like humans, speak our language, even dialects, and understand our — often local — gestures. These AI characters will appear on floating, transparent camera screens, which will be as cheap as plastic bags today, and spread in all parts of the world, including the now developing countries. Their incarnation, the humanoid robots, will assist us with many physical tasks. We’ll work a lot less, maximum 15 hours per week, allowing us to focus on our core competence: being human

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World’s First Bionic Eye

The world has its first bionic eye.

The Argus II works by substituting a small array of electrodes for the light-sensing cells that normally react to light by sending an electric signal toward the back of the retina. Those signals are relayed to the optic nerve behind the eye, and travel back along the nerve to the brain. In people with the genetic disease Retinitis pigmentosa, those light-sensing cells gradually stop working and this is resulting in total blindness.

In addition to the electrode array, which is implanted in the retina at the back of the eye, the Argus II system consists of a small video camera attached to a pair of eyeglasses and a visual processor the user carries around their waist. Data from the video camera is sent to the visual processor and then back to the glasses, where it is transmitted wirelessly to the embedded electrodes.

The system works for people with RP because the disease affects the light-sensing cells in the retina, but leaves the rest of the visual system--including the optic nerve, which carries visual signals from the retina to the brain--intact. The electrode array acts as a substitute for the eye's photoreceptors by directly stimulating the retina's remaining cells, which pass the signal on to the optic nerve.

Of course, an array of 60 electrodes cannot restore high-resolution vision--it's like watching TV on a screen with just 60 pixels--but it can supply enough information to allow people to move around without aid.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Gradually we will be able to replace every part of a human body. Interesting question remains: who are we when everything is replaced?

Buycott helps you analyse behavior of brands on the retail floor

The Buycott App for iPhone and Android helps you to organize your everyday consumer spending so that it reflects your principles.

Example: During the SOPA/PIPA debate in 2012, a number of companies pushed to pass legislation that reduced online freedom of expression, while other companies fought hard to oppose the legislation. With Buycott, a campaign can be quickly created around a cause, with the goal of targeting companies with a boycott unless they change their position, or buycotting a company to show your support.

When you use Buycott to scan a product, it will look up the product, determine what brand it belongs to, and figure out what company owns that brand (and who owns that company, ad infinitum). It will then cross-check the product owners against the companies and brands included in the campaigns you've joined, in order to tell you if the scanned product conflicts with one of your campaign commitments.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

This is a vital development in the brand scape. This will allow consumer to find unite themselves, find information on the moment of purchasing. It will really make a difference.

Next obviously, is connecting your purchases (through connected programs of retailers) to your Facebook account, calculate your ‘world balance’ points (how balanced your purchases are with world), and you can see who of friends are actually spoiling the world.

This will really boost the worldwide sustainablity trend. Forever.

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Let’s print a house in 3d! A sky craper? Or a pyramid!

The largest 3d printer in the world can even print a small house. The machine called Kamermaker (room builder) is currently still in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, but will soon be shipped all over the world. Think about it... How would the world look like if it would be used in developing countries?

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

How cool would it be if it could make use of solar energy? And what about using sand as primary material?

The only next step we would be looking for is 3D printers printing 3d Printers….

Wondering how the pyramides where build? With a few dozen of 3D printers, we’ll replicate complete pyramides in just a few weeks. How awesome would that be?

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Google Music: another chapter in paying for content

Google expands its Google Play Music services to an online music streaming services that merges your collection with their catalog, personal recommendations using Googles advanced personalisation technology and options to explore music yourself.

It's a payed service, priced 9.99 $ in the US

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

The experience economy is actually taking place in the virtual world. We will pay lots for content. It all has just started. Soon, ‘free’ television and radio, full of ads, will only be watched/listened to by poor people. Without the disappearing opportunity to buy time in the lives of consumers, it will change the brand scape forever.

And this is only just the beginning. In five years from we’ll have bands holographically projected in our living rooms. That will be a bit more expensive, but will really add value to our lives.

And we’ll be invited to join the virtual band. Leaving one instrument to us. Or invite a friend to play instrument, to sing.

Music is a social activity, and very valuable to peoples lives. It all has just started…

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