My goal is to maintain the top-10 position. However, Mensmerk is vulnerable because there is only one author. In busy times, or when I’m on vacation (like now, in Sydney for 3 weeks) it is hard to keep the site up-to-date, and after about a week visits go down. With that, a top-10 position is the maximum achievable. To maintain that position, I have a lot to do. The Google Page Rank should go up. I’m looking for someone to help me achieve that: someone who can further optimize the site, resulting in not only more visitors, but also a better Google Page Rank. I need to get the Technorati Index to a reasonable rate. I have ideas on how to do this, but I’m not a Technorati expert. Any suggestions on this are welcome. And finally I have to make sure that the more than 1600 TrendUpdate (Dutch newsletter) subscribers, hundreds of daily visitors and RSS readers, do vote for Mensmerk. The conversion value the site -> vote for the site is hard to achieve. Maybe I should organize some kind of action here.
On the content side too I could get more continuity. At the moment, I plan to look for someone to make a preselection of RSS feeds that can be sources for possible postings. This person might even be able to make the draft posting. And it would be even better if this person in the long run will do lectures too. I am researching my options to live in Sydney, and if I succeed, I can’t do all lectures in Europe myself any more. I need to give this a little more thought though. When I come back from my vacation, I will add the ‘vacancy’ headline to my website. The person I’ll be looking for will have to be very analytic, be able to make me think, and be very ambitious. More on this later…