Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Do autistic people see the world more purely?

Soon I'll be going on Vipassana meditation for ten days. An important element of this meditation is 'clear perception . That means that you have to learn to let go of everything you've learned in line (such as social behavior, safe behavior and words that go with objects). Even assumptions like 'this is my arm' can be forgotten (like a baby hasn't really realized this either). What you're learning in actual fact is how to see things loose of all the earlier associations you've collected in your life again. You'll learn to see them anew, come into the world anew like a baby. With that you'll be set free from all existing thought patterns. I think I'll be able to use this both professionally as privately very well.

Professionally because in a changing world you should only look at how things really are not how we've made them, or how we look at reality now. Because of that I was wondering if people who are (much) less in contact with other people (like autistic people are, for example) would be in a position to discover new ways from a different starting point. Some autistic people (savant syndrome) are capable of extraordinary feats that we cannot explain, never mind accomplish ourselves. But maybe a different education, from the very beginning, would enable to produce such feats en masse. Then we'll have a completely different generation of people. I'm very curious about which new insights I'll discover (but I'm not expecting any special feats; I'm primary going for rest wink).

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