Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Biological effect of believing

According to Bruce Lipton, Professor in Medicine, we control our genes and not the other way around. Twice he's had to leave universities because of his radical ideas, but nowadays his ideas are more accepted. As a bridge-builder between science and spirituality, Lipton believes that bad vibes are bad for our DNA and good vibes improve them. How we handle feelings and emotions is determining in this.

We’ve discovered a lot about our DNA in recent years. For example, we know that DNA has a memory and that it can be shaped through our consciousness. Under the name of ‘epigenetics’ Bruce Lipton has combined his research. It’s seen as a new field in biology in which the state of the mind and one’s own creativity are held in high regard.

Where regular medical ‘pill science’ still follows Newton’s “Everything is matter, so only matter counts”, which degrades the body to a biological machine, epigenetics thinks that energy and spirituality also belong in the body’s model. By redirecting one’s own consciousness or analyzing one’s own thought patterns, it should be possible to mold the SNA, which should have an effect on the rest of the body.

According to Lipton all energy works in waves, so DNA and the body too. If the waves aren’t in phase, they weaken or negate each other; if they’re in harmony, they strengthen each other. Good vibrations are positive for the body, bad vibrations – like stress – are harmful.

Lipton views cells as miniature humans. That makes it easier to understand cellular behaviour and physiology. The professor thinks that, even if we’re hereditarily burdened, we don’t have to develop a disease. As long as we ensure a positive mindset and really believe it in every fibre of our body, our body will be able to take a lot.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

All matter consists of waves. Everything resonates. Everything is connected. Per definition.

The physics lesson at school dictated: “a model is a simplified rendition of reality”. A model is useful to use and our model, in which we modeled the human as matter, has brought us a lot further. However, new technology enables us to make better models, that fit better with reality. This kind of vision fit exactly into this.

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