Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Biosensors find diseases in blood

The Technical University Eindhoven is working on a device that can trace protein in blood extremely fast and then determines a person's illness. After taking some blood a diagnosis can be made within ten minutes.

Proteins in our blood mark the beginning of all sorts of diseases in an early stage. These so-called biomarkers will be traced in no time and with a high sensitivity with the aid of a hand-held device: the magnetic biosensor. The biosensor also makes it possible to improve the dosage of medicine.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

We’re making more and more technology to monitor people. At first we focused on what people point at (the mouse) or type. Now we can detect their fingers (touch screens), follow their movements (gesture screens) or analyze their voices. Soon (on a large scale) analysis will be added: then we can analyze our face too. But it won’t stay like that: we’ll start to measure the scents we give off and then we’ll start to looking inside the human body. Currently with a device, but soon with sensors in your body which measure emotions, tensions or proteins and furthermore pass this information on to the outside world.

With this companies, brands, can start new services that help us make the most of our lives. It’s a long term development; it’s the step after the dialogue.

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