Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Blijdorp helps you wherever you are

Dutch zoo Blijdorp has started a test in which visitors can pay wireless through their mobile phone, and can also get information in the park. It works through the so-called NFC protocol, the Near Field Protocol. Freely translated: a service that only works when you come close (am, Dutch). People are freed of complicated things like physical money, or sorting through information. We have not been designed for that, although we have been trained in it. Soon we will enter the terrain, we get a question directly on our ear plug (which by that time we always carry) if we do want to continue, as we have to pay an entrance fee. We only have to say yes and just keep going. We then get real-time information about things to do, where the crowds are and where not, and the latest news on our favorite animals. What I mean to say: even mobile payment is just an intermediate phase.

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