Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Cloudspeakers brings music reviews together

Cloudspeakers brings music reviews of various sources together (em, Dutch). Thus music coaching brands come to life. Soon consumers will have chosen their own brand which brings all music together that has ever been made, in any language, in any country, by any artist, and combines it with reviews, concert tickets, karaoke, or only the vocal part to which you can make your own music. The art will be to make the difference in entertaining consumers musically. To be able to do that, brands will have to know the music someone really enjoys: they will have to deepen the relationships with their customers. For now the most important thing is still completeness: bring everything together so I don't have to search any more.

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