Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Elf Your Self X-Mas card download for $4.99

At ElfYourSelf you can create an animated e-Christmas card in which you process photos of yourself and friends and then send it along to another friend. That person can then enjoy your creative production, make one themselves, but above all download the card as a memory and burn it onto a DVD. This costs $4,99.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

It’s small, short experiences that bring the experience economy to life. This economy has been hyped in the physical world, but will really come to life in the virtual world that’s emerging. And the nostalgic human wants to relive it. And for small experiences, we’ll pay small fees. These are the models of the future.

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Reaction by Boris Toet on 30 December 2008 11:49

Very small experience for a not so small fee in my opinion. If companies are able to adjust their product pricing strategy to the real-life value of these kind of ‘experiences’ I do believe in the potential. The difficulty lies in a mismatch between peoples perception of value for money versus that of the seller.

(insert small referal to the iPhone AppStore here)


Reaction by Boris on 30 December 2008 11:53

* Post with Firefox did not get placed? *

A very small experience for a not so small price in my opinion, download? Come on, it’s 2008 already! The problem with these types of services is the mismatch between the customers perception of value for money versus the perception of the seller.

Somehow the iPhone AppStore comes to my mind… strange!


Reaction by hee on 30 December 2008 12:04

iets mis met deze posting?


Reaction by Erwin van Lun on 30 December 2008 14:03

nu wel?

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