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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Fanta 3d game on cell phone

Fanta 3d Virtual Tennis is a game which uses your cell phone's camera and image recognition. On the user can download the playing field. Then you can play by aiming the camera at the field. The tennis balls seem to come straight at you. The game can be played on the following Nokias: N82, N95, N95-3NAM, N95-8GB, 6120 Classic, 6121 Classic, N81 en N81 8GB. See the video or download the application on (or through your mobile browser:

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

Brands are developing 3d worlds. Not just for the PC, but especially for the cell phone. In time each screen will have built-in cameras and all screens will respond to your movements, with multiple screens at a time, to portray the brand world in the best possible way, to make the experience as real as possible. Then the graphics will become photorealistic and this’ll be child’s play.

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