Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

MarketingFacts starts paper magazine

MarketingFacts, a Dutch marketing community which I contribute to every now and again, is starting its own magazine. Where the online community reaches chiefly online marketers, MarketingFacts wants to use this magazine to service traditional marketers who'd like to know more about online marketing and new media. The magazine will be published bi-monthly and wants to offer deep going and high quality information regarding the trends and status in the most important sub-areas of online and digital marketing.

MarketingFacts Magazine is free for anyone who deals with (online) marketing. The run will be 10,000 copies. If you want to receive the magazine as well, you can sign up here.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

Paper will be a static redux of what happens in dynamic communities. Whether that’s through a website, a PC, a Twitter-like application on a cell phone or the spoken word on the street, brands will pick up this ‘talk of the day’, combine it, distill it and return it. Paper is like a photo of a community in time: it was like that at that moment. Publishers who’ve started with paper will have to set up the process in reverse, and that’s a lot more difficult.

Furthermore this process fits with the brand coming out, in which communities, strong communities, communities that’ll be in 1 building even, call it companies, become open and transparent. MarketingFacts is lucky to be able to start on the other side.

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