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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Me2Everyone shares stocks

The new virtual world Me2Everyone is giving stock shares to participants. Every new member (currently) receives 250 stock shares in the phenomena. The first 100,000 members received 1000! Beyond that the 'tell-a-friend'-principle does the rest, seeing how every introduced member gives an additional 500 shares (it used to be 3000). Currently there are 18 billion shares ready for enthusiastic virtual people, so you have some time yet. But don't hesitate for too long. The first 250,000 showed up in three months' time. In 2013, it's supposed to be the best-visited site in the world, the company will go to the London stock market and there should be 100 million active players.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

Only when the concerns of the customer falls together with the owner of a company can you do beautiful things. Stock markets as we know them now will disappear and make place for concepts like this.

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