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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Myngle brings together language docents and students

Myngle offers a market place for language docents and students. People wanting to learn or docent a language register with Myngle. The student then looks for a docent who best covers his or her needs. At certain times the docent teaches small groups through Skype, in which for example you can learn a language from a native speaker. Students pay docents and judge the quality of the docents and lessons at the end of the course. Docents pay 18 percent commission per student. That covers lesson materials, a digital school board, the social network and a trade platform (em, Dutch).
If there is one branch suitable for worldwide personal service, it is the language course branch (after the virtual sex industry, sex at a distance, read: web cam girls of course). In fact this initiative facilitates mutual contact, people communicating with each other. It would make sense for social networks, potential social coaching brands, to offer similar services in the future, when they have tens or even hundreds of millions of users). By that time they will easily be able to tell what language somebody writes (and speaks!), and what interests this person. Mediating for language lessons will be a logical step then. For now, this is another extra step.

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