Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

3D world with a Nintendo Wii

Johnny Chung Lee shows the near future of 3D television and games. With a smart adaption of his Nintendo Wii, he turns a regular television into a 3D display. The video is very interesting, but the real results are shown at the end. There Johnny looks at a television screen showing a soccer stadium, and gets a really different view if he looks from a different angle: the images moves with him, like he is watching through a window (pe).

Thus the 3D world really takes shape. Later we will also be able to watch TV this way, or walk through a virtual world like Second Life. In a next step we won't have to wear special glasses anymore. Our heads then will automatically be recognized and if we say something, that evokes a reaction too. This is how the virtual world takes shape, and this is what brands will have to get ready for.

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