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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Nitrogen atoms with magnetic field earth

Nitrogen atoms can be used in diamond to detect a magnetic field that's a ten-thousandth weaker than that of the earth. However the quantum properties of the atoms have to be 'manipulated' for this. It's the first time that the quantum properties of a material are used in practice.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

If we can measure the earth’s magnetic field, we can also determine where we are. Of course we can already use GPS for that, but that doesn’t work inside our home or underground. This type of invention will eventually lead to being able to order a robot to dig a 1500 kilometer long pipeline and the robot will work on it on its own. That in turn means we can have water available anywhere in the world, that we can have power lines run everywhere, and furthermore – what I predict – that we can make an underground outpost-like network which allows us to be transported through the earth at great speeds. To be on the other side of the world in literally half an hour. This type of technology is what we can expect in 2050.

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Reaction by Falsto on 11 August 2009 01:59

The core of the earth is 5700 K.  :X

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