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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Playing with your brains

At the CES, toy producer Mattel has displayed a new game called Mindset, which you control solely with your brain. Players wear a headset that reads their brainwaves. Aim of the game is to concentrate enough to generate energy that powers a fan, which in turn lets a bal float at a specific height. Then you can pass several obstacles using the turn button. Mattel is releasing the toy on the US market later this year. It'll cost $80.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

Currently this is a simple toy. Just like we had videotelephones in the 70s and toy robots in the 90s. Eventually it’ll take a while, but that technology will come to help us train our brain functions is crystal clear.


Reaction by Alana McKinney on 15 August 2009 04:51

My daughter has ADD and struggled with consentrating most of her life. In the early 90s she was sent to a doctor who used bio-feedback to treat this condition. She was instructed to concentrate on “pacman” and the ball would move through the maze. When her mind would drift to other things the ball would stop and the screen would go blank. The treatment was so successful and held her interest that she was able to go through highschool without medication. I would definately recommend this toy as a tool for treating ADD/ADHD.

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