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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Prosthetic hand that can move each finger separately

The 'Fluidhand', tested at the Orthopedic University Hospital in Heidelberg, is a prototype of a prosthetic hand that can close around objects, even those with an irregular surface. The hand feels softer, is more elastic and more natural than current prosthetic hands.

The fingers are inspired by the legs of a spider. To stretch the joints elastic chambers are pumped full by miniature hydraulic pumps. This way middle finger, index finger and thumb can be moved separately. Furthermore the hand gives feedback to its wearer which lets them sense the force of a grip (and keeps them from crushing an egg).

By the by, the hand looks like the iLimb of Scottish Touch Bionics, which is already in production. This sometimes comical movie shows a day in the life of someone who uses the iLimb daily.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

From all kinds of starting points we’re busy making artificial humans. Sooner or later these artificial humans will be given an individual life, they’ll act like people and we’ll treat them like people. Purely and simply because our brains can’t do anything else.

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