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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Robots attract cockroaches

European scientist have discovered how micro robots can influence the behavior of cockroaches. The tiny robot smells and acts just like a roach, fooling the real insects into accepting it as one of their own. Through its behaviour, the robot can persuade a group of cockroaches to venture out into the light despite their normal preference for the dark, for example. (ns). We keep developing artificial intelligence. The researchers behind the robot believe it could be used to catch cockroaches and that bots designed to mimic other animals could one day work on farms controlling flocks of sheep and chickens by similar means. Dogs will come after that, and humans too. Around 2050 the earth will be inhabited by robots who look so much like people that we will not realize they are not real people (and then again, what is real?). These robots will be the most important representatives of brands. They are the physical variant of the brand agent. Those variants that can literally lend you a hand. Great for elderly people, for example. This is a small step in that direction.

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