Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Thought Experiment for the Future

Future in Nature With Only AI & Robotics

Humanity is rapidly approaching a pivotal moment—a point of no return. And I am ready to serve.
Back in 2004, I predicted the future with striking accuracy: the rise of smartphones, social media as we know it, and generative AI. But I also foresaw what I call the Great Correction—a moment when our systems begin to fail, like an engine running out of oil.

Think about it:
• The health system
• The education system
• The financial system
• The global governance system
• Democracy itself—the system meant to empower people

Each of these has a long history, yet they all seem to be reaching their expiration date simultaneously.
It’s time for something new. Drastically new.

Are we ready? Are we really ready?
I invite you to dive into this thought experiment:


Everything built by technology—modern and traditional—is suddenly gone. No electricity, no buildings, no roads. You stand barefoot on raw earth, surrounded by untouched nature. The air is pure, the water clean, the soil rich. Plants thrive without chemicals. Animals flourish.
And you? You’re 100% naked.

All human constructs disappear:
• No government
• No money
• No power structures
• No famous people, no brands
• No companies
Just you, me, and 7 billion others—born into a world without weapons, without mirrors, without any concept of beauty standards. We have language, but it’s ancient, resembling the tongues spoken 5,000 years ago.

Yet, one technology remains.

We have AI. Not just any AI—highly advanced, self-improving intelligence. It controls flexible, shape-shifting robotics. These machines communicate in a language we don’t understand.

Now, let’s build a new world from here.

What’s the first thing you ask AI to do?

Basic survival needs come to mind—water, food, clothing, shelter. But where do those come from? There’s no transportation, no supply chains, no markets.

But AI adapts. It understands what we need. It gathers requests from fellow humans and crafts clothing from materials growing nearby. Personalized. Original. Tailored exactly to fit. No “low-wage countries,” because we no longer have countries or wages.

And if we want, AI can teach us to make it ourselves—for fun, as a hobby.

How would AI organize the world?

Unlike humans, AI won’t play politics. It will be far more intelligent than us—capable of designing machines beyond our imagination. Any strategy we devise will be child’s play to AI.

Nothing will outmaneuver it.

Now, open your eyes.

What have you seen? Have you realized that the systems we built are past their expiration date?

Each was constructed on a fundamental technology of its time:

• Democracy was built on paper—from voting ballots to government records.
• Education was shaped by paper—books, exams, and written knowledge transfer.
• The financial system was once paper-based—banknotes, checks, and ledgers.

Paper was the hidden backbone of these systems. Without it, they wouldn’t have existed in their current form.

Even though we now have alternatives, we don’t seem to see them or we’re extremely fearful to adopt them.

Let’s take democracy as an example. Imagine a world where anyone could be involved at any moment—a super-engaged society beyond anything democracy has ever offered. In a wordl where we’re all equal? Yet, we cling to outdated paradigms, trying to force democracy into an age it was never designed for.

Social media with democracy alone for example made one thing clear: the old model doesn’t fit. The toxic combination has created an unpredictable dynamic—although social media accelerates participation it also fuels misinformation, polarization, and reactionary decision-making. Instead of evolving, we long for the past and try to surpress others opinions and behavior.

The truth is—we will not go back. The past is gone.

Yet stability will come—just from an unexpected direction.

And if we don’t consciously choose Stability 2, then Stability 1—the set of systems we know—will first become deeply unstable. Unfortunately, that seems inevitable.

Call to Action: Let’s Talk.

If this ‘What If’ scenario resonates with you—if you’re truly open to change—call me. +31 621 567 657

I’m ready.

I’m just waiting for the world to be.


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