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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Timing lets Tim speak

Temp agency Timing uses Tim as a spokesman. Tim answers all questions you have about work-related issues like illness, vacation days, or pension. Tim is the assistant at the website and directly opens the page answering your questions. And Tim finds jobs matching your wishes, and keeps you updated on any new vacancies. Besides, Tim can also just have a little chat with you. Tim can be found on the Timing website as well as in Live Messenger (MSN) if the user adds e-mail address (tc, Dutch). And thus, brand agents come to life. Tim engages in the dialogue with an almost real face, complete with emotions. Now on the PC, later also on TV or on the mobile phone. Now just for simple questions, but Tim will get smarter year by year. The birth of Tim, whose name is a great choice by the way, is a small step in that direction.

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