Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Totspot ties babies’ parents

At Totspot (Dutch) parents of babies can make a profile with the timeline of their child. The time lines distinguish themselves by heights and lows and supplemented by photos, videos and music.

Totspot is actually a very advanced scrapbook in which parents can share photos, videos and other interesting developments of their children with, for example, other family members. What’s noticeable is that there aren’t any ads on the website. Totspot thinks it can generate revenue by selling physical books of the time lines for parents to order. But of course such a site is excellent for very specific advertising.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

Look at it as part photo-album, part diary and part social network that is brought together online. We keep seeing more and more niche social sites that aim for a specific group of users. Where you used to need hundreds of videotapes and scrapbooks for maintaining a child’s time line, now you have an online archive. The digitalizing of all information will be public property and families from faraway places can see exactly how children develop. At a next visit a child won’t even have to tell people what happened to it. They’ll already know.

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