On klassiek-homeopaat.nl (Dutch) Melissa Assilem says:
Long ago there was a country where women were respected. Where the ‘womanly things’ were womanly things. They felt love and respect for themselves and others. During their own affairs they were on their own. They had control over their own body. They celebrated their monthly bleedings as a moon ritual and menstruated at the same time. It was a time of energy and creativity. Mother Earth was worshipped. She was earth-centered and gave life. These ceremonies were celebrated in a tapoo, which means magic. When a girl’s first cycle announced itself it was celebrated and the girl was welcomed and initiated in the magic of being a woman. She felt powerful.
This is still celebrated by cultures which haven’t lost their connection with the earth and the moon. When the first missionaries came, they didn’t view this separation of women and men as magic, but as banishment and the word tapoo was translated as taboo. It’s still the case that women who live together (e.g. nuns) synchronize their menstrual cycles. There’s a kind of energy between them that’s actually long since been forgotten.
In days long past where the rhythm of life was connected to the moon (lunar cycles) and where a girl learned that the tides of her body matched the two monthly heartbeats of the earth – namely the balance between the full moon, the new moon and mother earth. People saw the connection between ovulation and menstruation and the regulation of planting crops as well as impregnation and birth.
Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article
Controversial or not, if matter consists of waves, our behavior consists of waves, women’s menstrual cycles are also the result of counting up waves. For who has forgotten old physics classes: grab a piece of paper, draw a three axis diagram and add up the waves. The result is a new wave, with a special form, but again a form that repeats itself. Always, no matter what you draw.
If people get in sync with one another, ‘get on the same frequency with one another’, it’s not so weird that the result of different waves starts to resemble one another. In this case: that menstrual cycles too start to look like one another.
Such an approach could also give insight in for example telepathy.
They’re thoughts, twists, and I’d like to know more about them. Not just because, but because I think that this kind of insight could give an image of humanity in 2050, in the time of the Pamper Planet.