Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Wuzzon helps sales men at Hyves

Wuzzon, the online place where everybody can trade their self made mobile content - ring tones, wallpapers and animated wallpapers, launches a shop widget for social network Hyves. Through this widget the 10,000 Wuzzon shop owners can also showcase their mobile shop on their Hyves profile, and thus show it directly to their friends and other people who visit their page. Interested buyers can directly listen to the ring tones as well as order them through the widget (am, Dutch).

Brands get better at tribal thinking. Instead of aiming their communication at the consumer, they find people who are important to spread the word. Malcolm Gladwell has researched and described this before in his book The Tipping Point. He found that three types of people, at the most 5% of the population, have special characteristics fundamentally important for buzz. One of these types are the so-called 'sales men'. Wuzzon gives this type of people lots of opportunities. Well done.

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