Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

117 miljoen mobiele internet gebruikers in China

CNNIC rapporteert dat er eind 2008 640 miljoen mobiele telefoon gebruikers zijn in China (de helft van de bevolking) waar 117 miljoen het afgelopen half jaar hun telefoon hebben gebruikt voor toegang tot het internet, een verdubbeling tov een jaar geleden. 34% gebruikt het Internet elke dag. 70% is onder de 19 jaar.

Some key findings of the report are:

  • 74.6% of China’s mobile Internet users are male;
  • China’s mobile Internet users are very young, even compared with China’s Internet users. 70.8% of mobile Internet users are under 19 years old, vs. 35.6% of Internet users
  • Similar to Internet usage, mobile instant messenger is the most popular mobile Internet applications, with about 31.2% penetration rate
  • About 6.6 million users are using mobile music services, but I’m not sure about the definition of mobile music in the report
  • About 39.6% of users, I suppose it is mobile Internet users instead of all mobile users, are reading Mobile Newspapers, which is a service by China’s mobile carriers
  • The report on mobile media also said about 15.7% users are using mobile video service, which is unexpectedly high since there was no 3G network available. I think it is partly because CNNIC only did the survey in four big cities, i.e. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. But we should note that in the report, mobile video service refers to playing video in your mobile phone, no matter it is streaming directly from mobile Internet or it is transferred to your mobile from computers
  • Mobile novel service is quite popular in China with 27.7% usage rate.

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