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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Barack Obama on a time line

Timerime Barack ObamaOn you can design your own interactive time line (try it). For example, the time line of Barack Obama, your own time line, evolution, the development of painting as an art, or the development of your company. You can compare time lines to others and, furthermore, you can place those time lines dynamically on your own website. If you change something in the time line, it's automatically edited on every website. If you look at the time lines you can zoom in on a specific time or get the complete overview.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

It’s the ultimate for the history lesson, but especially for people who want to compare connections from the past. So to for brands which want to show their roots, that want to participate in the brand coming-out trend, that want to show their authenticity as much as possible. For them is this a beautiful aid. Currently with pictures, later there’ll be an on-the-fly movie of the life of made for us. And a step further than that we can step into that period and feel what really played at the time. And make contact with people from that time. Compared to that this is just a piece of cake.

Update: 2019: this widget is no longer available due to security issues, therefore just an image as sweet memory grin

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