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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Checkmein helps you get the best seat

Until a couple of years ago, checking in online was the way to get a good seat on an airplane. Nowadays you have to be quick if you want to get a good seat. To assure yourself of extra leg room at the emergency exit, or that seat in the front at the window, Checkmein now can automatically check you in as soon as online check in opens. If your favorite spot is not available any more, Checkmein automatically finds the best alternative. Cost is 7 euros per party, and you get your money back if you're not satisfied (dc, Dutch). Thus the network economy slowly develops too. In the future every airline will have this service, and the most loyal customers, the most paying customers, or the customers who booked first get the best seats. Of maybe the customers who had coffee spilled on them last time, or who participated in a survey. The time of long lines for static offers slowly disappears, and makes place for dynamic routing in which business rules determine what customer gets what seat. Checkmein then will turn out to have been a necessary side step.

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