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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

DanGeminoid resembles its creator

This European Android, invented by the Aalborg University, resembles its creator. This human looking robot, called
does not only have engaging humanlike facial expressions, but also a sense of breathing. Very natural!

From the Geminoid DK website:

The first geminoid, HI-1, was created in 2005 by Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro of ATR and the Tokyo-based firm, Kokoro. A geminoid is an android, designed to look exactly as its master, and is controlled through a computer system that replicates the facial movements of the operator in the robot.
In the spring of 2010, a new geminoid was created.  The new robot, Geminoid-F was a simpler version of the original HI-1, and it was also more affordable, making it reasonable to acquire one for humanistic research in Human Robot Interaction.

Geminoid|DK will be the first of its kind outside of Japan, and is intended to advance android science and philosophy, in seeking answers to fundamental questions, many of which that have also occupied the Japanese researchers. The most important questions are:

- What is a human?
- What is presence?
- What is a relation?
- What is identity?

We intend to pursue these questions while looking at areas such as emotional affordances in HRI, the novel concept of Blended Presence, and by studying cultural differences in the perception of robots.

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