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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Elsevier puts history online

Elsevier magazine makes the digital version of its forerunner, Elsevier's Maandschrift('Elsevier's Monthly Writing, 1891-1940) available online. This magazine mainly covered literature and arts (zb, Dutch). In this step we can see two developments. First: brands, including publishing brands, provide insight in their past more often and in more detail. This is part of the call for authenticity, which in itself is part of the brand coming out. Second, it is a media development: we also completely record the history of our lives on earth. Now by making everything digital. Soon everything will be connected, and we will be able to get digital 3D reconstructions of earlier times, based on written stories and thousands of pictures. Before we get there however, this step has to be taken first.

Finally this move has historical value too: we see where magazines originated. This early copy with its hard cover was clearly made to keep. That is how magazines started out, and this is a good example. It also shows that magazines have reinvented themselves. After the second World War they looked completely different, although they haven’t changed that much over the last 60 years. The changes now coming however could result in us interpreting magazines as ‘copies of an era’.

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