Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

English announcement of Dutch politician’s film Fitna

Fitna, Dutch politician Geert Wilders's film about the Koran, is announced in English, while the language spoken in the film is Dutch (fi). The Dutch politician apparently realizes that the whole world is looking at him, and this is how he anticipates that.

As the virtual world matures, and we connect to a worldwide network of 6.6 billion people, it shouldn't surprise us that this will lead to conflicts. All cultures with their own convictions built up in thousands of years, and passed on from generation to generation, all of a sudden are confronted with each other. We will (have to) fight the confrontation over the years to come. The Danish cartoons were only the beginning. With more than 3 billion people connected through mobile phones at the moment (growing rapidly), this video from about the most leveled-out culture in the world, where everything seems ok, where you can say everything you like, might cause a huge shock wave. Finally (after a couple of decades) there will be peace like never before. We will then live in the era of Pamper Planet.

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