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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Heineken maps drivers

Dutch beer brewery Heineken shows the routes of its drivers on the map through its website, as part of a game. Pictures the drivers make during their drives can be seen as well (em, Dutch). We more and more get used to having insight in companies' processes. Now the occasion is a game, but more and more often consumers force organizations to work more transparent. This is something everybody still needs to get used to. But it is logical. After all, you do want to know that the painter you hired to paint your house, is really working on it. You pay for it after all. The same goes for big companies: they are at the consumer's service, and the consumer in the end determines what happens, and how. Working transparent is part of that development.


Reaction by Angela on 26 December 2007 21:42

This is great! I can’t wait for to start doing this, so I can actually see when the truck is supposed to get to my house! They have 2 hour delivery windows now, but this would make the waiting time even shorter…

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