Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

@Home has Maud as spokeswoman

At Internet Service Provider @Home's customer service clients now can ask their questions to Maud, a virtual employee. At the moment Maud isn't very smart yet: for a question like ' is @home available in Leiden?', I was referred to a different page on the website. In a next step she will directly say: 'yes, it's available in certain parts of Leiden, but not in other parts; what is your zip code?' Brand agents, like I call them, more and more often represent the brand. Now on the PC, later also on the mobile phone and TV. Now in a typed dialogue, later also complete in speech. Earlier or later we won't realize that we are talking to an artificial character any more. This is a small step in that direction.


Reaction by Dirk Jan on 12 July 2007 08:39

Dank voor je aandacht voor onze nieuwste virtuele medewerker. Je ziet wel dat je wel direct antwoord krijgt op je vraag over beschikbaarheid. Moet je dat eens bij UPC proberen op de servicepagina: ik kon het niet vinden.


Reaction by Erwin van Lun on 12 July 2007 08:58

Yep, Maud zet weer een stapje verder. Ik suggereer alleen nog een volgend stapje voor Maud(houden we wat te doen wink.

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