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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Integration of structural data in search results

China web 2.0: Baidu, the large Chinese competitor of Google, has launched its Alading platform, which is to track the dark web. There’s lots of data on the web, which is not in form of web page, mainly those dynamic content. Users usually get those content by submitting a form query. Search engine sometimes can index dynamic links to retrieve some data, but there’s no way to fully understand them.

Here’s where Alading platform comes into place. If you have some definite data, which is always up to date and publicly accessible, you can submit it to Alading.

Basically it’s three steps: 1) You should prepare your data in xml format; 2) decide which query keywords should trigger those data; 3) select a template, which is provided by Baidu, to display your data in the result.

In the first step, you prepared a special feeds of your data. Later on, the search engine bot will query it frequently to retrieve the latest data. The second step is a bit like keywords based search advertisement, but it’s for different purpose. The template you selected decides how your data appears in the top of the search result, including a link to your site with more details.

The platform is still in early stage. I am not sure if it will make big change in short period. In the long run, it do have potential to improve the search quality of Baidu. There’s lots of dynamic data on the web, but it’s not clear if this is the best way to include them into the search index.

Other search engines have been dealing with structured data too, like Google’s OneBox. It’s taking a different approach to analyze data source actively.

The service is a bit like Google Base. But Google base is for your item, while Baidu describes it as integrating your service into Baidu search result. Certainly Baidu’s slogan draws more imagination. If it’s just to include some match score or cinema information, then it doesn’t worth putting so much effort into the platform. I am sure there will be some interesting integrations show up, but you just cannot imagine it before it come into being.

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