Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Laptop reacts to finger movements

Apple's new laptop, MacBook Air, reacts to finger movements on the touch pad. Of course you can move the cursor with your finger, but apart from that you can scroll with two fingers, and with three fingers you can browse through the website. The laptop also reacts to turning, pinching, and stretching movements. Brands will soon start using these applications. On their websites we will be able to point at things, to quickly browse through their offers, and drag things together. First on the touch pad, later on the screen and after that from a distance of the screen. And after that, even our speech and posture are included. Then we really get into the dialogue. This laptop with these possibilities contributes to that evolution.

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