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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

NS tests stations with virtual world

The NS, the Dutch railway company has built a 3D station world on Here consumers can test the new Leiden trainstation, that'll be the pilot station for others in the Netherlands. The website can only be run properly under Internet Explorer. Furthermore the 3D model can be seen on Google Earth. This way choices that are expensive in the physical world can be tested more easily. The site is a part of the website where the NS shares a lot of information about surveys in new stations and where consumers can react. There are also, for example, contests for children that can share their vision. (This 3D information is found under the heading 'entertainment'.)

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

Increasingly more brands build 3D worlds which they invite consumers to become a part of. For fun, to learn something, to contribute or combinations of these. Brands are experiencing a brand coming out and realize that the product doesn’t just become better when one involves consumers, but it also charges the brand emotionally. It’s a completely different way of viewing the reality as what we’re used to.

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