Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Opel uses podcast for training

Opel uses podcasts, audio files on demand, to train its sales people on the road (sb, Dutch). More and more often people will be connected to brands while driving. For fun, to be informed of the latest news, or for training for example. Increasing traffic jams contribute to this development. Now we still do this by clicking documents, in the future we will just call out: 'Opel'. The brand agent then appears and we (as employees) can just ask the brand: 'could you tell me a little more about selling cars to handicapped people?'. After that the interactive audio training automatically starts. And as consumer we will be able to ask: 'Can I add central locking to my car?' We are recognized, the brand knows what car we drive, and our sentence is correctly interpreted. Thus the dialogue forms itself. From day to day..

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