Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Police recognizes criminal behavior

The VideoMiner of Observision is helping the Dutch police to detect noticeable behavior of criminals automatically. Falling under this behavior are the counting of vehicles, suspicious behavior near ATM-machines or parking lots or anti-social driving behavior.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

Everything we do in the physical world will soon be recorded and shared, just like our behavior is shared with the people around us. Soon not only the behavior will be recognized, but also the person in question: who is this? What history does this person have? Then a criminal will immediately receive an (automated) phone call from the police. If no good explanation can be given we’ll immediately get to speak to a police officer or a car will be dispatched. Down the line, robots will be found here too, but then we’re a bit further along. However much this may sound like BigBrother this technology will all be used to aid our lives. Likewise a coaching brand will be able to follow us and come to our aid if we’re stuck: ‘Everything all right?’, ‘Should I tell you about?..’, ‘Did you know that your twice-removed uncle of 92 lives around here?’
But only those brands we’ve given permission to break in like that are allowed to do so. Of course. Because it has to stay fun. grin

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