Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Play Pong together on the cinema screen, the American news brand, introduced a pre-movie video game in which the audience directly interacts with the screen while live news is incorporated. It was a kind of arcade game consisting of a screen of little bars and a ball that can shoot the bars. The bars were filled with live news from while the ball was controlled by the collective actions of the audience. If people generally moved to the right more, the ball went to the right as well (bx) This way the media start to react to us. In the future we will see people in the theater live projected in the movie, or we see avatars in it that are not physically present, and we start carrying out orders in the city, where we meet audiences of other movie theaters. The movie then is only a side issue. And brands can offer this kind of content. We will call these 'branded experiences'. See the video clip.

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