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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Yahoo puts better fits on top

Yahoo from now on determines the position of an advertisement not solely by the highest bid, but also considers the 'quality' of the advertisement. This quality is mainly determined based on the click through ratio: the amount of other people having clicked through before (ab, Dutch). In the end the most important goal is to make a fitting offer to the individual. And 'advertisement' only becomes 'relevant' if the consumer says 'yes' instantly. Now we still look at the content of the page, the behavior of other people. In the future coaching brands will look at the individual's behavior, and the behavior of his or her trusted relations (friends, family, or colleagues). Coaching brands won't advertise (yell) any more: they will especially be good listeners. This step of Yahoo is an example in that direction.

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