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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

Category: Home Entertainment

The home entertainment brand helps us getting our visual entertainment, sitting on our sofa. The home entertainment brand can enter all content that has ever been made: all movies, all documentaries and all series on TV. In German, English, or Portuguese. From India, Iran, or Canada. And not just passive content, but also interactive content like games. Not just on demand, but also live. And the home entertainment brand knows our profile. It knows what we have seen. It knows what we like, and especially what we don’t like. And the home entertainment brand knows our trusted relations: our family, our friends, our colleagues. It knows what they see. That way we won’t miss a thing of what the people we like have made, seen, or played.

Google TV: Entertainment coaching tomorrow

Again another example that illustrates that the programming of our evening on the couch will be done on an individual basis by a new type of brands, home entertainment coaching brands, instead of traditional TV broadcasters, who are programming for the mass and interrupt our favorite shows with advertising.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Just a matter of time before Google starts to charge us per show. And we’ll love to pay a few cents to avoid the advertising! Home Entertainment Coaching Brands have the future, and traditional broadcasters have to switch their business models. Fast!

Related trends

Joost available through Netlog

Videosite Joost is unlocking its content through social network Netlog. With this users are given the ability to watch movies, tv shows or music videos directly from their profile. Furthermore, they can share videos with their friends and offer comments on clips using the already existing features of Netlog. In the Benelux Netlog users are given a varied assortment, including the Dutch versions.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Movies, music, books: they’re just experiences humans like to share with others, Later we can just watch a movie, on any screen, anywhere in the world, in any language and we’ll give feedback with our emotions. We won’t need to write we thought it was great anymore. Our social coaching brand could see that without it, and we can share them with our friends, anywhere in the world, no matter what language they speak. This is a step in that direction.

Related trends

YouTube to television

YouTube now has a special TV version: YouTube for Television shows the movies on your tv using the Nintendo Wii and the PlayStation 3. The viewer can navigate the site shown on the tv with their remote. The navigation has been especially adapted for tv. Bigger text fonts keep the whole legible. YouTube Television is available in 22 countries and 12 languages.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

And this is how the landscape of home entertainment coaching brands is beginning to get shaped nicely. A few large parties will be left in the world and they’ll make a selection for us from all content every created in the world. YouTube will undoubtedly be one of them. And as I already wrote in my book: “In 2015 there’ll be a few leftovers of broadcasting services”. A destructive approach, but that’s the future.

Related trends

Netflix integrates in TV

Netflix, America's online video provider, is integrating into LG's newest televisions. You'll no longer need a separate box. As a result the TV will get $300 more expensive. Earlier, Netflix made a deal with Microsoft to make its video library available for the Xbox 360, with TiVo's for digital video recorders and for Samsung's blu-ray players.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

This is how the screen in our living room disconnects from the phenomena ‘programming the television night’. Later on every tv will be connected per definition and our personal entertainment program will start exactly when we drop onto the couch. Entertainment coaching brands, and Netflix could be one, know exactly how to entertain us and create a crazy night. Much more fun than before. Every night. But we’ll have to pay a lot for that.

Related trends

YouTube places MGM movies

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, better known as MGM, will be the first big movie studio which places 'full-length' movies on YouTube. Currently the movies are older ones and episodes of television series from the past which still have to be converted into a format suitable for YouTube. Viewers can watch these movies for free thanks to advertising.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Currently for free, but soon we’ll gladly pay for movies. Because with paying customers YouTube can finally do what it was created to do: entertaining people. And with all possible content ever created. That’s why YouTube is a home entertainment coaching brand in the making. Currently predominantly on the PC, but in a few years 95% of YouTube’s content will be watched on the big screen in the living room.

Related trends

YouTube broadcasts old TV series

YouTube will begin to broadcast whole tv-series of the American CBS. It concerns series such as Beverly Hills 90210, Star Trek: The Original Series and The Young and the Restless. YouTube currently hopes to generate more advertisement income, because before, during and after the episodes there'll be advertisements. Its goal is to show more tvhits in the future. YouTube is already negotiating with other TV channels to make similar deals.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

This is how home entertainment coaching brands are slowly shaped. They collect all content ever created, in any country, in any language, in any format, and will start to entertain us personally on the couch. For now behind the computer, but next year there’ll be innovations that will definitely turn the tv into a very personal medium, just like the computer is now. But then nice and easy sitting and getting entertained without complicated clicks. Just ‘surprise me!’. For now with advertisements, soon we’ll pay a very reasonable price, per minute. This predicted reality is coming ever closer.

Related trends

Tudou puts 100,00 tv series online

Tudou, the biggest Chinese video sharing site (comparable to YouTube), has started the online High Definition-streaming of 100,00 television series. Daily, a hundred Chinese tv broadcasting companies upload their episodes in High Definition to

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Home entertainment coaching brands ensure that all content ever created is gathered together, or at least have access to it. YouTube-like sites can be entertaining, but before they actually do this they need a wide assortment, be available on every TV-screen and and furthermore have a detailed profile of the viewer and the friends of the viewer. This lets you at least see what your friends (and family or colleagues) watched yesterday. That does knock out the television broadcasting companies, however. This is a step in that direction.

SBS shows everything on ProgrammaGemist

On (Dutch), television broadcaster SBS (Dutch) doesn't show just the videocontent of its own broadcasting channels NET 5, SBS 6 and Veronica, but also of the Dutch public broadcasting channels and of the Dutch RTL. Beyond that ProgrammaGemist (MissedProgram) also has its own hyve, a page on Facebook, on YouTube and on Twitter.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

With the creation of home entertainment coaching brands, brands that entertain us after a day of hard work, it’s about completeness in the first instance: make sure you’ve access to everything. That step’s being taken here (in a limited capacity, but the intention is there). Then it’ll become an art to tailor the evening. What trusted relations (friends, family and colleagues) watched/did is of the utmost importance. With this too SBS is taking a cautious step. Slowly, very slowly, we’re discovering the models of the future together.

Related trends

Veronica TV Guide on iPhone

The Dutch television guide Veronica Magazine is now available for the iPhone.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Each brand will enter the dialogue with the consumer through each screen. Even magazines, like Veronica. Cell phones will in a relatively short time replace remote controls. That future is brought a step closer here. Soon we’ll see the missed broadcasts and magic them onto our television with a push on the button.

IOC puts Olympics on YouTube

The International Olympic Comitee, the IOC, will broadcast its own images of the Olympics in Beijing via YouTube. In countries where the television rights haven't been sold and in countries where those rights haven't been sold exclusively, the IOC will takeover the role of broadcaster. The games' organization won't have to make deals with television broadcasting companies because it'll place the images directly on the internet. No full sports competitions will be offered, but solely summaries and highlights. Inhabitants of 77 countries (such as Afghanistan and Ethiopia, but also Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Thailand) will profit from this move.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

And so the media landscape is slowly taking shape. All brands are building brand worlds where they have high quality interaction, dialogue, with the consumer. The time of programming the consumer’s television-evening is slowly ending. Currently for 77 countries only, but soon for all of them. We’ll start paying the IOC for its content—that’s also part of the development—but will be given an experience we’ll never forget in return, it’ll put every previous television broadcast to shame. It’ll become the trick to select the right experiences and for that home entertainment coaching brands will be at our side. This is how everything correlates with one another, this is how a wholly different world is created, one in which the consumer is central.

Related trends

PC Zapper collects all videos

PC Zapper groups together all watched videostreams of broadcasting companies, of Dutch video sharing sites or other video sources using Dutchcharts (Dutch). This way a Top 30 can be created. Videos can be clicked on and watched immediately.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Home entertainment coaching brands collect and group all available media from which a viewer, the consumer, can choose. Now all the Dutch video-offerings are being grouped, soon the whole international videos and then live-video will follow suit. How to choose from this overwhelming offer. This new type of brand will help us choose by building a profile of us and also by knowing what our friends are doing. First gathering up all the video-material. That’s difficult enough in 2008.

CBS and civilian journalism

With from the American broadcasting company CBS users can upload their photos and videos directly from their mobile phone.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

News is mostly ‘people news’. Often it’s about politics (about people), scandals (about people) or about incidents on the street (again, involving people). We can communicate these events with each other perfectly through various kinds of media. The need for journalists arose from the limitations of the media: not everyone could share; not everyone could report news fast. This time is over. Brands are experiencing a ‘coming out’ and are transforming into a network in which the main office only facilitates. There are still quite a few steps to take, but this is a good step forward.

Movies from now on available on iTunes and DVD

From now on, movies in America can be bought both as a direct download and on DVD. To start with, all the movies of the bigger companies (20th Century Fox, Walt Disney, Warner Bros., Paramount, Universal Studios, Sony Pictures and the slightly smaller Lionsgate, Image Entertainment and First Look Studios) will be made available on iTunes.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

The media-evolution in this development is that the physical carriers are slowly disappearing and all the content ever made anywhere in the world is made instantly available. The brand-evolution is that iTunes will develop itself further as a home entertainment coaching brand, a brand that has all the content available for us, but above all it recognizes us, remembers our preferences and always knows how to entertain us.

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