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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

Category: Travel

The travel coaching brand helps us plan our holidays. It knows all the places to go all over the world, their prices and the hotspots. It knows where we have been before. What languages we speak. If we are thrill-seekers or not. It knows who we want to spend our holidays with, and what the other person’s wishes are. This way it regularly provides us with a great travel plan. Of course for sharp prices. For this kind of service we are willing to pay.

ReisRadar wants to be one-stop-shop

New Dutch online travel portal ReisRadar (travel radar) is meant to be a one stop shop: visitors can search AND book their vacation all on one website. The user can extensively look through daily refreshed travel stories, travel tips, and news. This is realized through a cooperation with review specialist, which already contains almost 400,000 personal reviews of more than 100,000 accommodations around the world. Every new review at is directly placed on ReisRadar (em, Dutch). Thus travel coaching brands gradually develop. It starts with completeness of the supply. Then the consumer can start searching. Booking is the next step. Asking a review comes after that: after all, then ReisRadar is sure you really made the trip. After that, ReisRadar includes your travel history (and those of your friends) in future advice. Thus travel coaching brands develop to be very valuable brands, for which we are more than willing to pay. Advertising then doesn't make much sense any more. And thus publishers slowly start using the enormous chances they have to grow into coaching brands, the biggest brands of the 21st century.

Related trends

HolidayCheck shows the trend

Online travel agency HolidayCheck shows the trend in changes in appreciation of accommodation. This way, a place which has always been valued highly but which is slowly deteriorating, can see its appreciation go down. The amount of reviews is still limited, but that is a matter of time. Due to these kinds of analysis travel coaching brands get more value (Holiday Check has the potential to grow into being such a brand), and transaction brands, providers of (local) services and products, will be more and more pressured to deliver top products and services. This real-time trend analysis contributes to that.

Belvilla reads to you

Belvilla is the first company in the travel branch to test an online 'reading aloud' function for visitors at the website. By clicking 'Lees Mij' (Read Me), a friendly female voice reads to you everything about the holiday villa you are looking at. In the test phase, only the descriptions of the holiday villas can be heard. Plans are to have the 'read aloud' function for all web content in the near future (cc, Dutch). Thus the spoken dialogue comes to life. Now the voice also plainly reads all impossible codes ("the 4 and 6 person villas BE-8421-01, type A/ BE-8421-02, type B/ BE-8421-07, type A comfort/ BE-8421-08, type B comfort, listen here), in the future the language will be completely tuned to us. Now still at the PC. In the future we will sit in the car and ask: "Hey Bella, I would like to go to France for a week. Is there something free from October 1st onwards?" And then you will hear some choices, you can select with your voice ("that one sounds good! Do you have something bigger too?"), and you can watch your selection at home on TV. Step by step it goes that direction.

Zoover extends reviews

Dutch website, a site with more than 300,000 vacation reviews, offers tour operators like D-Reizen the possibility to place facts, figures and reviews on their own website. Travel agencies can use the Zoover technology under their own label. Through this module they can for example send questionnaires through e-mail, to ask customers for their experiences after their vacation. The travel agencies this way can research general findings, but also has to ask their customers to leave a Zoover review when coming home (em, Dutch). This way the relationship between coaching brands and transaction brands slowly becomes clear. Zoover becomes the travel coaching brand, responsible for the contacts with the customer. And companies like tour operators, airlines and car rentals become transaction brands. Transaction brands which only through excellent achievements will survive in this landscape. This landscape in which the consumer dominates. This is very logical: after all, he is the one who pays. This is a step in that direction.

Related trends

Reisvrij lets consumers compile their own journey

On the Dutch site consumers can compile their own vacation based on the availability of hotels, airplane companies and car rentals. With this is the first Dutch travel website with the so-called Dynamic Packaging technology. Their offer includes at least 300,000 accommodations, over 10,000 destinations plus the complete range of all airline companies, including lowcost airlines that leave from the Netherlands and the adjacent areas.
And this is how travel coaching brands are slowly formed. It starts with completeness. Then with personalization and then the social environment of the individual consumer will be involved. This is how brands with an enormous meaning for the consumer are created. This is again a step in that direction.

Ilse Reizen aims for completeness

Through Dutch website Ilse Reizen (Ilse Travel) consumers now have all travel options available at once. Based on criteria like a golf course, the climate, or total travel time, you will get a list of potential destinations. Then you check the price and the availability, and when you're satisfied, you book it. Now this works for flights, hotels, travel packages, car rental and a combination of these. Later holiday homes, campings and related travel products will follow. You book with the organization offering the trip, and Ilse Reizen earns money through CPS deals (mf, Dutch; ilse reizen can be tested through login: ilse, and password: bloggerpreview). This way travel coaching brands slowly come into being. Now Ilse Reizen is complete. Later she will ask all customers for their reviews about their experiences. And they will connect with social networks, so that Ilse Reizen will be able to say: John has been here last year and really loved it. This way, publishers change into coaching brands. With huge added value in the lives of consumers. This is a great example.

Related trends

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