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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Telephone conversations recorded for seven years

Aangetekend Bellen is a Dutch service which records telephone conversations. The caller and receiver both know that the conversation is recorded and can listen back to the conversation with a text-message code that's only available to them. To create this 'Signed Calling', you call 0900-226 43 83 53 63 with your mobile phone. The caller informs the person receiving the phone call of the recording at the beginning of the conversation and starts it with the # button. The recording is also ended with this button. After ending the conversation, the caller can listen to the phone call again immediately. After the connection is broken both parties get a unique code via text message with which they can relisten to the conversation independently from the other.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

We’re completely used to the fact that our emails get saved, but later on all phone conversations will be saved and then all video conferences. The big difference is that both parties get access to this communication. Through, what I call, the brand memory. It won’t be long before we can find our complete communication history in ‘my account’ for any brand. That’s text messages, mails, phone conversations and even, yes yes, letters (scanned and all).

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